Thursday, 31 December 2020

Review 2020 in Retrospect

2020 is a special year. 1st January of 2020, marked the beginning of three distinct time periods - a new day, a new year, and a new decade. 2020 is a double-double digits year, this happens only once in a century, which is a hundred years. Being alive in 2020 is special because that is the only year you are likely to live through wherein the first two digits will match the second two digits. The next year that follows this pattern is 2121, and I don’t think I could live until 130 years old to see that year. Well, I believe the special of 2020, isn’t just about the digits, but also about the coronavirus that changes the way we live. To help counter the COVID-19 pandemic, Movement Control Order (MCO), was first implemented on 18 March 2020, in order to increase social distancing and slow down the transmission rate of the virus. Then we move to Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) on 13 May and move to Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) until today. Although varying degrees of MCO have completely stopped me from travel abroad, on the contrary, I earn a relaxing 7 weeks break, which I’ve never been experienced since I left school. Although many of us convinced 2020 is a cursed year, I believe it at first, then I realize, it wasn’t as bad as I thought at first. At least, I am still alive, while many lives have taken by this pandemic across the world.

Who and what I met and lost in the year 2020?


1. Friends from Interviewees
2. New colleague from AiFM


1. Uncle, my maternal 2nd Aunt husband
2. Lashawn

3. 2 interviewees from my 2016 Kajang series

4. Bob the street cat 
5. NTV7 Mandarin News 
6. Petaling Street Heritage House
7.     Sylvester the talking cat
8.     Tusan Beach's famous 'Horse Head Drinking Water' rock
9.     Penang Ferry

10.     4 Season feature of my blog, as Adobe Flash reaches the end of life

What I have done in the year 2020?

1. Sign up for a swimming lesson

2. Organized primary school gathering

3. Joined university coursemate gathering

4. Met my long lost national service friend – Yeng Yeng

5. Interviewed 2 old friend – 1 university friend, I national service friend

6. Interviewed by 2 junior who works for Kwong Wah Daily and Sinchew Daily respectively; 

7. Visited “My Journey By Bus” Exhibition

8. Attended “Hops & Dreams” Mid-Autumn Festival

9. Read the book written by my interviewee

10. Watched online movie screening, theatre, and concert for the very first time 

11.   Visited confinement center for the very first time 

12. Celebrated birthday in a long holiday call MCO

13. Received a nice birthday cake from my direct senior

14. “Acting” with Stephen Chou using mobile phone application - 去演


Although the outbreak of Covid-19 has limited our social activity, I still manage to gather with my friends, enjoy a short getaway, visit exhibitions when the government loosens the restriction and regulation. However, I’m still missing the UPM convocation, KLCC Bookfest that I used to attend every year.

Where I have traveled in the year 2020?

1. The Museum of Lost Love Malaysia

2. World of Phaenolopsis, Batang Kali, Selangor 

3. Perigi Tujuh, Serendah, Selangor

4. Zoo Negara, Kuala Lumpur

5. Bukit Gasing, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

6. Ampang Lookout Point, Kuala Lumpur

7. MaTic, Kuala Lumpur

8.     Saloma Link, Kuala Lumpur

9. Kwai Chai Hong, Kuala Lumpur

10. MeTime Book Café, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

11. Casa Tropika Apartment, my university friend, Annie’s new house.

Although the outbreak of Covid-19 has limited our outdoor travel, I am still able to travel within KL-Selangor when the Covid-19 situation has improved. Actually, Cuti-Cuti Klang Valley can be fun and enjoyable, there are still many places that are worth to be discovered in KL and Selangor.

Which movie I have watched in the year 2020?

3. 《打喷嚏 A-CHOO》


Our country has been under MCO, of varying degrees since March 18, as an attempt to halt the spread of the coronavirus.  Along with this order, our cinema has been close down from 18 March to June 30, and re-close again on November, with case numbers once again rising steeply, in a second wave that began at the beginning of October. Hence, I manage to visit the cinema 3 times only this year, watching the movie I stated above. However, during the time when the cinema was close down, there are many new movies available online and internet protocol television. I get to watched PARASITE, KIM JI-YOUNG: BORN 1982, MULAN and so on.   

I also get to watched Oscar Award and Golden Horse Award online, witnessing PARASITE, an Asian movie that won leading four awards at the 92nd Academy Awards; and witnessing numerous Malaysian, even my friend won the award in Golden Horse Award. 

Besides these award-winning historical moments, I also watched a lot of drama, which I never experience since I start my working life. From Taiwanese drama SOMEDAY OR ONE DAY to American drama SNOWPIERCER, and of course, my favorite Korean Drama, including CRASH LANDING ON YOU, WHEN THE WEATHER IS FINE,  MEOW, THE SECRET BOY, HOSPITAL PLAYLIST, THE WORLD OF MARRIED, IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY, and even re-watched BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST LIFE that I watched 2 years ago. If you ask me to pick the best drama of 2020, I will choose WHEN THE WEATHER IS FINE, and the second will be HOSPITAL PLAYLIST, where the second season is set to air in 2021. 

And don’t forget our local Made in Malaysia political drama, the story is always unpredictable. Oh ya, there is even a comic version of this drama name IF MALAYSIA WAS ANIME by ‘Bro, don't like that la, bro’ on Facebook.

When was the most unforgettable day for me in the year 2020?

1. 19 Mac 2020 – Wandering around the city of lockdown, this is definitely a historical moment


We started the first day of 2020 with partying, enjoying, chilling,  and the remaining months have gone in varying degrees of MCO, and we reached the last day of 2020 unconsciously. It’s time to leave the bad 2020 behind, and look forward to the year 2021. I pray and hope things will be better when tomorrow, the brand new 2021 comes.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020


情在十月恶化,让我整个十月都在听着Awie《Tragedi Oktober》,原本以为十一月我可以带着我的MP3,播放着周杰伦《十一月的萧邦》出游,不知不觉来到了十二月,疫情依然不见好转,而我只能唱着Taylor Swift 《Back To December》给Covid-19庆生了。



配合这冷冷的天气,我最近开始追一部适合躲在被窝里看的韩剧《天气好的话,我会去找你》…… 准确来说,其实是重拾没看完的《天气好的话,我会去找你》,这是我上一个冬末没追完的剧,这个冬初我又开始追了起来,至于为什么上次没追完,因为那时太多我想追的韩剧了,《爱的迫降》、《机智的医生生活》、《快过来》还有《夫妇的世界》接连而来,一时分不了心。

前阵子做了2020年吉隆坡图书之都系列,访问了飘着书香和咖啡香的MeTime Book Café那里充满疗愈力量的环境,立即唤起我追回《天气好的话,我会去找你》的意愿。



那么这部讲述一个书店老板的平凡生活,究竟有什么好看的?故事的转折就在于,恩燮暗恋了十年的女生 – 海媛,因为事业不如意从首尔回到了这里,修整姨母无心经营的民宿。海媛的遭遇和《小森林》的市子很像,只是市子从农作和美食收获建立起信心,海媛则从书本和爱情中收获温暖。

恩燮如同晚安书店一样安静,静静的整理书本,静静的看书,静静的泡咖啡,静静的暗恋海媛十年。由于他太安静,海媛甚至不记得他们曾经是同学,更不知道恩燮已经暗恋他十年。他的暗恋是夜深人静的时候,在名为《书店日记》部的落格记录他和海媛的过去,他想对海媛说的话。在部落格里,他将海媛化名为Irene,这样就算被人看到,也不会轻易猜出是海媛…… 看着看着,恩燮这一点跟我很像,我把暗恋都写在日记里,也因为暗恋的对象喜欢写部落格而开了《夜猫城。。。 喵~~》,给暗恋的对象取了日本名、韩国名,甚至仅仅一个“他”,只是写到后来,我的暗恋早已烟消云散,恩燮和他的暗恋走在一起。








当然,《天气好的话,我会去找你》的故事,也不只是围绕着男女主角一边经营书店,一边经营爱情的故事,晚安书店,甚至这个白雪皑皑的乡间,也不是世外桃源般的存在,读书会的成员也会有各自的快乐与哀愁,各自的过去与秘密,就像书店里的每一本书…… 随着剧情的进展,寒冷的冬天逐渐转为温暖的春天,而剧里那些悲伤、孤独的故事,也像天气一样渐渐变好。

《天气好的话,我会去找你》没有MCO期间追看的《爱的迫降》、《机智医生的生活》《夫妇的世界》那般火红,我甚至也差点错过这一部剧。平淡缓慢的故事,也很考验追剧人的耐心,但是追到最后整个人都被故事和OST给问暖了…… 这部剧无疑是我今年最喜欢的韩剧了。


年初的时候,我还说十二月会去新加坡找她,甚至约她一起去另外一个国度,只是我们谁也没料到,十二月的我们,依然被疫情困住脚步…… 所以只能接着这份“疫情好的话,我会去找你”,抚慰期待见面的心灵。


失联已久的韩国朋友 —관식,最近也跟我联系上了,只是我去年十二月发给他的信息,隔了一年才收到他的回复,让我忍不住调侃他还活在2019年,然后渐渐地,我们开始怀疑自己其实还没来到2020年,只因为我们各自都不愿面对自己国家疫情越来越严峻的现实……



这一篇《疫情好的话,我会去找你》和下一篇的《回顾2020年》,应该是最后两篇带有下雪天的部落格,因为2020年12月31号,Flash Player插件将会永远划上休止符,我部落格的“四季更迭”,就是Flash Player的插件之一,随着Flash Player走入历史,我的部落格也不会再有四季……



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