Friday, 30 September 2011

METTA Gathering 2011

Faculty of Medicine and K17, finally I meet you today after 3 weeks I stay in UPM, bwahahahaha~ XD

.... Hachacha~ Not funny anymore, what I saw is just another eccentric phenomenon... Kolej 17, this is the hostel where future doctor stays, 2 peoples, share such nice room......

Yup, I can describe UPM as a small reality world... K12 is flat, K10 and K11 is condominium while K17 is a terrace house... That hostel has clear reflects today's reality world.......

Sigh~ Not much I can talk, these K17 residents deserve batter environment, they achieve 4.0 during STPM or Matriculation with their hardworking... With my poor CGPA, I qualify to enter UPM, I should appreciate......

Well, I didn't comfort myself, now I didn't feel regret to stay in K12, I really treat K12 as my second home... I found that I deeply fall in love with K12 after we organize Pesta Tanglung together......

Wondering why I come to the Faculty of Medicine today? Well, I was joining the METTA Gathering 2011 which held at the hall of this faculty today......

METTA Gathering is an event which organizes by the Buddhist Society of UPM...... Through this event, we are giving a chance to know more friends and learn more about Buddhist society......

In METTA Gathering, we have watch video clips, ice-breaking, play games, watch stage drama, singing and take photographs.... I do like the stage drama.... =)

.... Most activities I have done throughout this METTA Gathering reminds me of the time I join Buddhist Class in NS... I miss those sweet time so much and I wish the Buddhist society of UPM can bring sweet memories into my university life......

..... I've already filled in the participation form, I have decided to join the Buddhist Society......

.... Am I making a wise decision? I still don't know whether I can be an active member in here or not, this is because assignment has already come one by one..... (+_=)

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Class At Outdoor

Sit down, turn on books, listen...... Usually, this is what we always do every time we attend lecture class......

However, today's Agricultural Class is a little bit different than usual because today we are having our class at outdoor, at the real farm!!!

Nice weather this morning..... (~.~) I can feel the sunshine, I can feel the sunshine.....

Meteor in the day......

Agricultural Class begins at 8am, I and 2 room mates which is Zia Mun and Pei Li ran to farm at 8am too......(-_-") Excuse me, are we jogging right now? I so enjoy running to UPM 10th Farm......

Wei Chuen senior and San Wee senior has been waiting for us at the entrance of farm since 7 something, paiseh~ (>.<;) Luckily the farm was located opposite our hostel area, thus we wasn't too late to reach th ere.......

After listening to the farmer explanation, the farm tour begins......

Firstly, we went fishing pond...

Secondly, we went to see the cows...... However, I feel like they are looking at us too......


...Just notice that KLIA Express passed by this farm......

Thirdly, we went to visit orchard.....

 Starfruit Tree......

Rambutan Tree...

San Wee senior and Mango tree...

 Jackfruit and I

Lastly, before we leave the farm, we went to the hydroponic farm, I just love the taste of fresh peppermint......

On the way we left the farm, I found another interesting thing...

... On the top of the roof of Kolej 12, there is a sentence " 12TH COLLEGE WELCOME YOU"......

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

《闪耀十方》中华之夜 2011

续三个晚上有大型活动,有时候还觉得很喘一下的咯…… (>.<)不过,这次好在我只是一个观众,不需要表演也不需要负责幕后工作……

中华之夜的主旨是推广并发扬中华文化,同时向博大生推荐中华文化学会旗下的是大课外活动 - 华乐队、武术队、音子工作坊、扯铃班、现代舞蹈班、瑜伽班、旋舞班、棋艺班、学记团以及浪潮剧坊……









舞台剧…… 强哥!!!

中华之夜结束后,我们到礼堂外的展览区参观…… 只见各学会都在积极拉我们新生进他们那里……


第一个选择是博大学记团…… 像我那么爱到校外趴趴走的人,那么爱写写写,那么爱摄影的人又怎能错过学记团呢? 而且我也有打算在大学毕业后进入媒体界工作,想必在学记团所吸收的经验有助于我从事这一行吧……


第二个选择是浪潮剧坊…… 我选择浪潮剧坊并不是因为我爱演、爱上镜或由演艺天分,而是我对幕后工作有兴趣、纯粹爱写剧本、爱掌镜、爱配乐…… 其实,我也曾想过当编剧或导演,这全都是受韩剧《ON AIR》的影响…… (..^-^..)


…… (-_-"")……

Monday, 26 September 2011


的中秋节好像过不完酱... 哈哈! XD 没有啦... 今晚的中秋晚会是由G12十二华团所办的,而昨天的中秋晚会则是由中文组全体学生所办的.... =)

今晚的中秋晚会于傍晚6时30分开始,但我必须早在下午5时抵达晚会地点Dewan PJSD 去,原因是我是音响与多媒体组的工作人员... 想必大家对音响与多媒体组的职务不太了解吧? 我们音响与多媒体组的工作是负责晚会所有与影音相关的工作,其中包括制作幻灯片和短片、播放音乐、控制灯光和确保每个麦克风和音响器材正常操作。



由于这届的中秋晚会是以童年为主题,因此我们除了播放与月亮相关的歌曲如月亮圆、水调歌头、你看你看月亮的脸、城里的月光、月亮代表我的心、Fly Me To The Moon等,我们也播放我们童年时期常听到的歌曲如不能和你分手、你是风儿我是沙、童年、外婆的澎湖湾、红蜻蜓 等......

不少观众晚上7点就抵达现场了,当然,我们也准备了一系列游戏让这些早到的观众参与,但我们这些音响与多媒体组也来鸡婆干嘛? 哈哈~XD

中秋晚会于晚上8时隆重开幕...... 说道开幕当然不能少了我们十二华团制作的宣传短片,目前Youtube的点击人数已经超过1000人了哦!!!v(^-^)v 但是不知怎么一回事,短片无法顺利播放,大概是我们手忙脚乱是少做一个步骤才导致短片频频出状况.... 还好托胤勇组长燕玲学姐的福才化险为夷... (~.~")



在K12舍长和G12主席-吴忠恩致词后,余兴节目即登场...... 当晚的主持是以戏剧的方式呈现,男主持- Longz 和女主持熙渝饰演一对大女人小男人夫妻,后来小俩口的吵架更引发了一场歌舞大战......


 第一场 - 斗舞

大马Super Junior

 第二场- 斗歌


 第三场 - 斗音乐天分


超喜欢他们 以Pokemon的斗争来呈现歌舞大战,他们简直是把我拖回到童年去了.... 据说这个主持方式、故事、执导甚至Pokemon式的斗争都是Longz构思和设计的...... 哇~ 找一天要拜Longz为师了...... (-_-)


来到尾声,两夫妻终于和好了... 丈夫给妻子讲了个相当感人的故事...... 有观众觉得故事让他们感动到差点儿流泪,但我还不至于那样...... 不是!不是!当然不是批评演员的演技不好,或许是我的心比较硬吧!故事的背景是90年代末,21世纪初,故事里的Pokemon Sticker Book、 Digimon Sticker Book、Agumon、郭富城、有天线电视机都是我童年的写照叻...... 突然忆起快乐无比的小学岁月......

戏剧告一段落后,接下来是抽奖游戏...... 在6位幸运儿当中,有一位是小嫒哦! (..^-^..)

闭幕仪式上,灯熄了... 大家点亮手中的灯笼,高唱今晚的主题曲《童年》...... 除此之外,闭幕仪式也播放了十二华团中秋晚会委员会成员的映月短片,这个短片播放结合委员现在的照片、童年的照片和委员最喜爱的卡通角...... 超喜欢这个音乐短片!而制作这个短片的正是我们组的胤勇组长,我也要拜他为师!


 我也来一张我小时候的照片…… XP

散会时,偶然遇到了我NS最好的朋友 - Shaunie 美琪,她也来捧场,超开心的! (^-^)





最后,十二华团中秋晚会劳苦功高的工作人员当然要来个大合照啦! (^o^)


Hmm~ 就以我们偷懒时所拍的照片作为这个post的结尾吧!


还是想不起他是谁?答案揭晓咯~ 他就是……


黄智亮学长+李卫全学长+苏上伟学长=黄+李+苏=黄梨酥 XD

 佩俐+嘉敏+昱倩+勇颖= 323号房的4位靓女……XD



EMO 病迅速蔓延到我们这里……

Eh?那个靓仔也来加入我们的Emo Gang……



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